Caraway Oil

Caraway Oil Exporters in Pakistan

The essential oil of Caraway is extracted from the seeds of the caraway plant. Caraway is scientifically known as Carum Carvi Or Apium Carvi. Caraway seeds are very popular as a spice, particularly in Europe and on the Indian Subcontinent. he health benefits of Caraway Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as a galactogogue, anti-histaminic, antiseptic, cardiac, anti-spasmodic, carminative, digestive, stomachic, disinfectant, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, aperitif, astringent, insecticide, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge substance.

  • English Name: Caraway Oil
  • Urdu Name: Kalay Zeera
  • Botanical Name: Carum carvi
  • Part Used: Seeds
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place protected from light
  • Shelf Life: 1 year when it opened from its original sealed packing.
  • Packing: 200Ltrs Food Graded Iron Drums
Appearance and Color Clear Yellow Liquid
Taste and Odor Good and Typical Caraway Odor
Free Fatty Acid 0.3%
Iodine Value 115-125
Moisture 0.03%
Peroxide Value 0.3mg
Reflective Index at 25°C 1.4721-1.4799
Saponification Value 185-192
Solid Points 28
Specific Gravity at 25°C 0.910-0.916
Unsaponifiable Matter 1%

Caraway Oil Exporters and Suppliers in Pakistan

NaumanSab oil Company is the exporter and supplier of caraway oil in Pakistan. The essential oil of caraway is extracted from the seeds of the caraway plant. Caraway is scientifically known as Carum carvi or Apium carvi. Caraway seeds are very popular as a spice, particularly in Europe. And on the Indian Subcontinent, caraway oil is also known as a remedy for increasing milk production for lactating mothers. As a trusted exporter, Nauman Sab caters to global markets, delivering top-grade caraway oil to discerning customers worldwide. Whether used in culinary creations, aromatherapy blends, or natural remedies.

Health Benefits of Caraway Oil

The health benefits of Caraway Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties galactogogue, anti histaminic, anti septic, cardiac, anti spasmodic, carminative, digestive, stomachic, disinfectant, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, aperitif, astringent, insecticide, stimulant, tonic and Vermifuge.

The Essential Oil of Caraway is extracted from seeds of caraway. Caraway is scientifically named as Carum Carvi. Sometimes, it is also addressed with the scientific name Apium Carvi. Caraway Seeds are very popular as a spice, particularly in Europe and in the Indian Subcontinent.

In many religious books too, the medicinal properties of caraway seeds have been narrated and appreciated. It is said to be the cure for nearly all diseases. And where do these medicinal properties of caraway seeds come from? Where else but from its essential oils? And the medicinal properties of the Caraway Oil come from its components like Carvone, Furfurol, Acetaldehyde, Cumuninic Aldehyde and Limonene. In fact, on research, so many medicinal properties and health benefits of Caraway Oil were found that quite a fat book can be compiled on them.

Let us see what wonders these compounds hold in them.


Caraway Oil is a known remedy for increasing milk for lactating mothers. It is advised to take it with honey. It enhances both quantity and quality of milk. The baby, who is feeding on this milk, is also kept safe from flatulence and indigestion due to the properties of this essential oil.


Histamine is the reason behind the most disturbing and exhausting of coughs. People who suffer from this go on coughing endlessly. Sometimes the conditions become so worse that the patient runs out of breath and in worst cases, the patient collapses. Although there are many medicines available in the market, they all have their own side effects and do not provide a permanent cure. Here Caraway Oil can be miraculously helpful. It neutralizes the effects of histamine and cures these deadly coughs and other ailments associated with histamine.


It is very good for all round cardiac health. It helps maintain proper heart beat rate, strengthens cardiac muscles, prevent hardening of arteries and veins, lower blood pressure and also lower cholesterol level in the blood, thus helping the heart from all sides. A regular use can keep the heart healthy forever and cut the risk of heart diseases.