Flaxseed (Linseed) Oil

Flaxseed (Linseed) Oil Exporters in Pakistan

Flaxseed can be used whole or crushed, or in a powder form as meal or flour. Flaxseed oil is available in liquid and capsule form. People use flaxseed and flaxseed oil to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar and treat digestive conditions

  • English Name: Flaxseed Oil
  • Urdu Name: Alsi
  • Botanical Name: Linum Usitatissimum
  • Part Used: Seeds
  • INCI Name: Linum Usitatissimum
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place protected from light
  • Shelf Life: 1 year when it opened from its original sealed packing
  • Retest: : 3 Months
  • Packing: 200 Ltrs Food Graded Iron Drums
Quality Control Results
Analytical Test Method No. Characterstics Specification Result
Lower Upper
ASO39010 Appearance @ 25 ºC (Color) Light/Yellow Conform
ASO39010 Appearance @ 25 ºC (State) Clear / Transparent Conform
ES001010 FFA 1.0 % 2.5 % Conform
ES011010 Iodine Value 124.8 166 Conform
ES014030 Peroxide Value (Ph Eur) 0.1mg 0.2mg Conform
ES018010 Saponification Value 179 200 Conform
ES019010 Soap Content Nil Nil Nil
FS022010 Water Content 0.01% 0.01% Conform
LS023010 Arsenic Content Nil Nil Not Detected
LS024010 Heavy Metal (As PB) Nil Nil Not Detected
FS004010 Ash Content Total (Ph Eur) Nil Nil Not Detected
FS004020 Ash Content Total (Sulphated Ash) Nil Nil Not Detected
GU5330000 Thymoquinone Content 0.05% 0.06% Conform
D174709 Refractive Index 1.4713 1.4800 Conform
D121793 Density 0.911 0.917 Conform
Fatty Acid Composition
Analytical Test Method No. LS008010
Characteristics Specification Result
Oleic Acid 24-26 % 25%
Linoleic Acid [Omega-6] (C:16:0 & C:18:0) 22-23% 22.5%
Linolenic Acid [Omega-3] 41-42% 41.5%
Arachiodic Acid 0.8-1.0% +/- 0.9%
Heavy Metals Test
Analytical Test Method No LS024010
Substance Quantity Result Test Method
Lead Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Mercury Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Copper Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Microbiological Tests
Analytical Test Method by AOCS
Characteristics Specification Result
Standard Plate Count per ml Nil Not Present
Yeast & mould count at 30deg C per ml Nil Not Present
Coliform count per 100 ml Nil Not Present
E.coli Not Present Not Present
Salmonella 25g Not Present Not Present

Flaxseed Oil Manufacturers and Exporters in Pakistan

NaumanSab Oil Company stands as a reputable manufacturer and exporter of in flaxseed oil, also recognized as linseed oil, in Pakistan. Flaxseed oil is extracted from the exceptionally nutritious flaxseed, renowned for its myriad health benefits. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, this oil supports brain and heart health, enhances mood, reduces inflammation, and promotes healthier skin and hair. Widely used, flaxseed oil aids in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as addressing various digestive conditions. Our commitment extends to providing high-quality essential oils in bulk quantities worldwide.