Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood Oil Exporters in Pakistan

Sandalwood oil is probably most widely known in the west like a sweet, warm, rich as well as woodsy essential oil utilized as is perfect for a body fragrance, and also as a component in fragrant products like incense, perfumes, and aftershaves along with other cosmetic makeup products. However the story of sandalwood, the divine essence, goes much further. Sandalwood has become a part of the religious as well as spiritual traditions of India since prehistory and it has been successfully utilized in traditional medicinal practices for hundreds of years.

  • English Name: Sandalwood Oil
  • Urdu Name: Sandal
  • Botanical Name: Santalum album
  • Part Used: Root
  • INCI Name: Santalum Album Oil
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place protected from light
  • Shelf Life: 1 year when it opened from its original sealed packing.
  • Packing 50 Ltrs Food Graded Iron Drums
Appearance and Color Clear Light Yellow Liquid
Taste and Odor Good and Typical Odor
Free Fatty Acid 0.8 - 1.20%
Iodine Value 115 - 129
Moisture 0.01%
Reflective Index at 25°C 1.4715 – 1.4820
Saponification Value 185 – 190
Peroxide Value 0.6 – 1/Mg
Specific Gravity at 25°C 0.917 -0.928
Unsaponifatable Matter 0.1%
Fatty Acid Composition
Oleic 41.20%
Linoleic 41.70%
Palmitic 15.80%
Heavy Metals Test
Analytical Test Method No LS024010
Substance Quantity Result Test Method
Lead Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Mercury Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Copper Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Microbiological Tests
Analytical Test Method by AOCS
Characteristics Specification Result
Standard Plate Count per ml Nil Not Present
Yeast & mould count at 30deg C per ml Nil Not Present
Coliform count per 100 ml Nil Not Present
E.coli Not Present Not Present
Salmonella 25g Not Present Not Present

Sandalwood Oil Manufacturers and Exporters in Pakistan

NaumanSab Oil Company is the manufacturer and exporter of sandalwood oil in Pakistan. This oil is a luxurious essential oil extracted from the heartwood of various species of sandalwood trees, particularly Santalum album. Renowned for its rich, woody aroma and numerous therapeutic properties, sandalwood oil has been prized for centuries in perfumery, traditional medicine, and religious rituals. With its sweet, warm, and grounding scent, sandalwood oil is commonly used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance mental clarity. At NaumanSab, we ensure the highest quality standards, delivering premium sandalwood oil worldwide in bulk quantities.

Health Benefits of Sandalwood Oil

The health benefits of Sandalwood essential oil could be related to its qualities just as one germ killing, anti-inflammatory, antichloristic, antispasmodic, astringent, cicatrizing, carminative, diuretic, disinfectant, emollient, expectorant, hypertensive, memory booster, sedative as well as tonic compound.


Sandalwood oil has got germ killing as well as anti-inflammatory qualities which have rendered it a well-known external and internal therapy in traditional as well as alternative treatment. Internally, sandalwood oil can help to avoid infection of esophageal ulcers, controlling the digestive tract, battling urinary tract infections as well as reducing inflammation within the nervous and circulatory systems. Utilized as an exterior application, it may combat infections from wounds as well as calm burns, insect bites as well as rashes from poison ivy along with other plants. Sandalwood oil could be used internally simply by diluting a few drops in the glass of juice or water, and could be used externally whenever diluted in the carrier oil. Consultation with a healthcare professional is suggested before utilizing it internally.


With regards to skincare, the advantages of sandalwood oil are numerous. Both sandalwood paste and also the essential oil are utilized in beauty products as well as natural face packs for lightening hyperpigmentation, imperfections, age spots as well as scars from skin. It encourages cell regeneration which replaces the dead skin cells along with new cells which often reduces dark spots, scars as well as blemishes. It may also help in reducing skin ailment, extreme dryness, eczema as well as psoriasis and helps prevent their reappearance. It’s the ideal natural moisturizer for dry skin which feeds the cells helping them in retaining moisture.