Garlic Oil

Garlic Oil Exporters in Pakistan

It is also used for fighting stress and fatigue. Some people apply garlic oil to their skin or nails to treat fungal infections, warts, and corns. It is also applied to the skin for hair loss and thrush

  • English Name: Garlic Oil
  • Urdu Name: Lehsan
  • Botanical Name: Allium sativum
  • Part Used: Seeds
  • INCI Name: Allium sativum
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place protected from light
  • Retest: 3 Months
  • Shelf Life: 1 year when it opened from its original sealed packing.
  • Packing: 200Ltrs Food Graded Steel Drums
Quality Control Results
Analytical Test Method No. Characterstics Specification Result
Lower Upper
ASO39010 Appearance @ 25 ºC (Color) Light/Yellow Conform
ASO39010 Appearance @ 25 ºC (State) Clear / Transparent Conform
ES001010 Acid Value 0.52% 0.80% 0.70%
ES011010 Iodine Value 122 125 123
ES014030 Peroxide Value (Ph Eur) 0.4mg/kg 0.5mg/kg 0.41mg/kg
ES018010 Saponification Value 181 187 185
ES019010 Soap Content Nil Nil Conform
FS022010 Water Content 0.04% 0.05% 0.1%
LS023010 Arsenic Content Nil Nil Not Detected
LS024010 Heavy Metal (As PB) Nil Nil Not Detected
FS004010 Ash Content Total (Ph Eur) Nil Nil Not Detected
FS004020 Ash Content Total (Sulphated Ash) Nil Nil Not Detected
ES011010 Allicin 48% 50% Conform
Fatty Acid Composition
Analytical Test Method No. LS008010
Characteristics Specification Result
Oleic Acid 23-24% 23.5%
Linoleic Acid [Omega-6] (C:16:0 & C:18:0) 57.58% 57.5%
Linolenic Acid [Omega-3] 0.2-0.5% 0.3%
Arachiodic Acid Nil Nil
Heavy Metals Test
Analytical Test Method No LS024010
Substance Quantity Result Test Method
Lead Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Mercury Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Copper Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Microbiological Tests
Analytical Test Method by AOCS
Characteristics Specification Result
Standard Plate Count per ml Nil Not Present
Yeast & mould count at 30deg C per ml Nil Not Present
Coliform count per 100 ml Nil Not Present
E.coli Not Present Not Present
Salmonella 25g Not Present Not Present

Garlic Oil Exporters and Suppliers in Pakistan

NaumanSab Oil Company is the premier exporter and supplier of garlic oil in Pakistan. Garlic oil is very useful in curing and preventing various health problems. Garlic oil can serve as a great remedy to treat acne. The antioxidants present in garlic oil kill the bacteria that cause acne and pimples and help provide you with clear and blemish-free skin. So let’s experience top-notch products worldwide in bulk quantities because we ensure that quality is never compromised.

Health Benefits of Garlic Oil


Garlic is known to have antiviral properties, which helps the body fight against allergies. Simply take one tablet of garlic supplement each day 2 or 3 weeks before the usual allergy season begins.


Garlic's antibacterial properties make it a wonderful treatment for coughs and other throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infections.


The clinical studies have established that the allyl sulfur, a chemical present in the garlic, can stem or inhibit the cancer development. Garlic oil benefits can be observed in prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer and stomach cancer. It has the ability to inhibit or prevent colon cancer.


Garlic is considered to regulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in diabetics. Therefore an effective remedy is to take one capsule or tablet of garlic every day.


Clinical studies have shown that people with high blood pressure who took garlic capsules daily for up to five months lowered their blood pressure levels as effectively as patients taking prescription blood pressure drugs. A suggested dosage is 600-900mg garlic capsules once daily.


Studies have shown that taking 600-900mg of garlic everyday lowers cholesterol levels and reduces arterial plaque formation by 5–18%. Therefore, an effective natural remedy is to take one garlic tablet or capsule (600-900mg) once per day.


Garlic's antibacterial, analgesic, and anesthetizing properties can help cure toothaches. Simply put some garlic oil or a piece of crushed garlic clove directly onto the affected tooth and the gum for instant relief.


Garlic's ability to fight infections and bacteria makes it an effective cure for warts and other skin problems.

  • Take a fresh clove of garlic and cut its tip off.
  • Rub the cut area of the clove directly onto the wart for a few seconds.
  • Repeat this each night before going to bed until the wart disappears.

If you feel any kind of irritation or strong burning sensation, simply rinse the area with water.