Turmeric Oil

Turmeric Oil Exporters in Pakistan

One of the major active compounds in turmeric is curcumin, a super-powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammator. turmeric has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to treat skin conditions including curbing acne, reducing blemishes and scars and discouraging facial hair growth in women.

  • English Name: Turmeric Oil
  • Urdu Name: Haldee
  • Botanical Name: Curcuma longa
  • Part Used: Extracts
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place protected from light
  • Shelf Life: 1 year when it opened from its original sealed packing.
  • Packing: 3 Ltrs Food Graded Plastic Can
Characterstics Specification Result
Appearance and Color Clear Orange Yellow Liquid Pass
Taste and Odor Typical Odor Pass
Free Fatty Acid 0.5-4% 1.20%
Iodine Value 115-140 123
Moisture 0.1% Pass
Peroxide Value 0.5 – 1/Mg 0.8mg
Reflective Index at 25°C 1.4700 to 1.4800 Pass
Saponification Value 180-200 Pass
Specific Gravity at 25°C 0.9170 Pass

Turmeric Oil Exporters and Manufacturers in Pakistan

NaumanSab Oil Company is the exporter and manufacturer of turmeric oil in Pakistan. This essential oil contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties, with countless studies showing that it can have a hugely positive effect on the body and mind. One of the major active compounds in turmeric is curcumin, a super-powerful antioxidant. It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to treat skin conditions, including acne, blemishes, and scars. If you apply turmeric oil to your hair, it could help reduce the appearance of dandruff. So let’s experience the quality of premium turmeric oil all over the world.