Carrot Seed Oil

Carrot Seed Oil Exporters in Pakistan

A Powerful Antioxidant for Ageing Skin, Anti-Inflammatory Properties for Calm Skin, Cell Regeneration for Radiance, Antibacterial Properties to help Acne, Moisturizes Dry Skin

  • English Name: Carrot Seed Oil
  • Urdu Name: Gajar
  • Botanical Name: Daucus Carota
  • Part Used: Seeds
  • INCI Name: Daucus Carota Sativa
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place protected from light
  • Shelf Life: 1 year when it opened from its original sealed packing.
  • Packing: 200 Ltrs Food Graded Iron Drums
Item Specification Result
Appearance and Color Clear Light Yellow Greenish Visual
Taste and Odor Typical Carrot Seed Oil Odor Via Smell
Free Fatty Acid 1.50% Titration AOCS
Iodine Value 120 - 135 Titration AOCS
Moisture 0.2% Oven AOCS
Peroxide Value 0.6Mg Titration AOCS
Reflective Index at 25°C 1.4703 – 1.4793 Reflectometer AOCS
Saponification Value 198 By KOH AOCS
Specific Gravity at 25°C 0.910 Ford cup #4
Unsaponifiable Matter 0.2% Oven AOCS
Fatty Acid Composition
Oleic 55.82%
Linoleic 3.43%
Palmitic 24.03%
Heavy Metals Test
Analytical Test Method No LS024010
Substance Quantity Result Test Method
Lead Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Mercury Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Copper Mg/1 Not Detected BAS ISO 15586/03
Microbiological Tests
Analytical Test Method by AOCS
Item Specification Result
Standard Plate Count per ml Nil Not Present
Yeast & mould count at 30deg C per ml Nil Not Present
Coliform count per 100 ml Nil Not Present
E.coli Not Present Not Present
Salmonella 25g Not Present Not Present

Carrot Seed Oil Manufacturers and Exporters in Pakistan

NaumanSab Oil Company is the manufacturer and exporter of carrot seed oil in Pakistan. Carrot seed oil can help you look refreshingly young even as your friends start balding and showing wrinkles on their faces. Actually, the antioxidants in this essential oil repair a lot of the damage done to your tissues by oxidants (free radicals) and stop them from doing further harm. These antioxidants protect your skin from wrinkles, keep your hair from turning white, your joints from stiffening, your muscles from weakening, and your eyesight from declining. So trust in our dedication to excellence as we deliver premium-quality carrot seed oil in bulk quantities all over the world.

Health Benefits of Carrot Seed Oil

Carrot Seed Oil's Benefits to the Skin. Because carrot seed oil is high in antioxidants, it's a natural for any anti-aging skin formula.The oil also has moisturizing vitamin E and protective vitamin C, which work together to help bring new life to skin.